├──1.1_A_1. History of This Course.mp4 15.03M
├──2.1_B_1. What’s Computational Geometry.mp4 17.41M
├──3.1_C_1. How to Learn CG Better.mp4 22.06M
├──4.1_D_1. Why English.mp4 26.65M
├──5.2_A_1. Convexity.mp4 101.02M
├──6.2_B_1. Extreme Points.mp4 94.45M
├──7.2_C_1. Extreme Edges.mp4 43.68M
├──8.2_D_1. Incremental Construction.mp4 126.53M
├──9.2_E_1. Jarvis March.mp4 133.04M
├──10.2_F_1. Lower Bound.mp4 103.64M
├──11.2_G_1. Graham Scan Algorithm.mp4 58.95M
├──12.2_H_1. Graham Scan Example.mp4 46.01M
├──13.2_I_1. Graham Scan Correctness.mp4 64.67M
├──14.2_J_1. Graham Scan Analysis.mp4 100.18M
├──15.2_K_1. Divide-And-Conquer .mp4 83.81M
├──16.2_L_1. Divide-And-Conquer .mp4 129.91M
├──17.2_M_1. Wrap-Up.mp4 18.12M
├──18.3_0. Introduction.mp4 19.00M
├──19.3_A_1. Preliminary.mp4 66.87M
├──20.3_B_1. Interval Intersection Detectio.mp4 36.32M
├──21.3_C_1. Segment Intersection Reporting.mp4 42.70M
├──22.3_D_1. BO Algorithm Strategy.mp4 99.02M
├──23.3_E_1. BO Algorithm Implementation.mp4 58.36M
├──24.3_F_1. BO Algorithm Analysis.mp4 87.91M
├──25.3_G_1. Convex Polygon Intersection De.mp4 95.26M
├──26.3_H_1. Edge Chasing.mp4 52.07M
├──27.3_I_1. Plane Sweeping.mp4 21.17M
├──28.3_J_1. Halfplane Intersection Constru.mp4 60.84M
├──29.4_0. Methodology.mp4 17.13M
├──30.4_A_1. Art Gallery Problem.mp4 70.06M
├──31.4_B_1. Art Gallery Theorem.mp4 33.54M
├──32.4_C_1. Fisk’s Proof.mp4 76.24M
├──33.4_D_1. Orthogonal Polygons.mp4 33.89M
├──34.4_E_1. Triangulation.mp4 173.87M
├──35.4_F_1. Triangulating Monotone Polygon.mp4 182.94M
├──36.4_G_1. Monotone Decomposition.mp4 152.69M
├──37.4_I_1. Tetrahedralization.mp4 64.20M
├──38.5_A_1. Introduction.mp4 47.04M
├──39.5_B_1. Terminologies.mp4 49.61M
├──40.5_C_1. Properties.mp4 93.10M
├──41.5_D_1. Complexity.mp4 39.99M
├──42.5_E_1. Representation.mp4 41.95M
├──43.5_F_1. DCEL.mp4 86.82M
├──44.5_G_1. Hardness.mp4 82.06M
├──45.5_H_1. Sorted Sets.mp4 49.83M
├──46.5_I_1. VD_sorted.mp4 106.70M
├──47.5_J_1. Naive Construction.mp4 21.41M
├──48.5_K_1. Incremental Construction.mp4 63.04M
├──49.5_L_1. Divide-And-Conquer.mp4 198.08M
├──50.5_M_1. Plane-Sweep.mp4 255.11M
├──51.6_A_1. Point Set Triangulation.mp4 114.95M
├──52.6_B_1. Delaunay Triangulation.mp4 55.60M
├──53.6_C_1. Properties.mp4 60.07M
├──54.6_D_1. Proximity Graph.mp4 81.25M
├──55.6_E_1. Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tre.mp4 77.23M
├──56.6_F_1. Euclidean Traveling Salesman P.mp4 52.11M
├──57.6_G_1. Minimum Weighted Triangulation.mp4 40.56M
├──58.6_H_1. Construction.mp4 73.69M
├──59.6_I_1. RIC With Example.mp4 61.98M
├──60.6_J_1. Randomized Incremental Constru.mp4 91.51M
├──61.6_K_1. RIC Analysis.mp4 157.05M
├──62.7_0. OnlineOffline Algorithms.mp4 10.93M
├──63.7_A_1. Introduction.mp4 107.16M
├──64.7_B_1. Slab Method.mp4 145.34M
├──65.7_C_1. Persistence.mp4 43.01M
├──66.7_D_1. Path Copying.mp4 47.47M
├──67.7_E_1. Node Copying.mp4 104.88M
├──68.7_F_1. Limited Node Copying.mp4 57.04M
├──70.7_H_1. Trapezoidal Map.mp4 92.05M
├──71.7_I_1. Constructing Trapezoidal Map.mp4 127.72M
├──72.7_J_1. Performance Of Trapezoidal Map.mp4 189.56M
├──73.8_A_1. Range Query.mp4 108.95M
├──74.8_B_1. BBST.mp4 91.59M
├──75.8_C_1. kd-Tree Structure.mp4 125.65M
├──76.8_D_1. kd-Tree Algorithm.mp4 100.91M
├──77.8_E_1. kd-Tree Performance.mp4 73.52M
├──78.8_F_1. Range Tree Structure.mp4 61.37M
├──79.8_G_1. Range Tree Query.mp4 83.15M
├──80.8_H_1. Range Tree Performance.mp4 77.03M
├──81.8_I_1. Range Tree Optimization.mp4 115.73M
├──82.9_A_1. Orthogonal Windowing Query.mp4 36.54M
├──83.9_B_1. Stabbing Query.mp4 46.81M
├──84.9_C_1. Interval Tree Construction.mp4 75.06M
├──85.9_D_1. Interval Tree Query.mp4 75.59M
├──86.9_E_1. Stabbing With A Segment.mp4 101.36M
├──87.9_F_1. Grounded Range Query.mp4 55.64M
├──88.9_G_1. 1D-GRQ Using Heap.mp4 101.62M
├──89.9_H_1. Priority Search Tree.mp4 68.52M
├──90.9_I_1. 2D-GRQ Using PST.mp4 154.94M
├──91.9_J_1. Segment Tree.mp4 298.28M
└──92.9_K_1. Vertical Segment Stabbing Quer.mp4 53.22M
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